Beauty guru reveals: this is the only beauty trend that never goes out of style

A beauty trend that never goes out of style? We asked beauty creator Edward Bess - and his answer doesn't surprise us.

Lipstick: The only beauty trend that never goes out of style

Do you remember the beauty trends from the 90s? Rhinestones on the face, colored strands of hair and blue eye pencils. We are already telling you that everything will be announced sooner or later anyway. But in addition to all the trends, there are also things that simply never go out of style in beauty. Make-up creator Edward Bess told us in an interview what these are.

This beauty trend remains forever

If you think about what you always have with you, then in 80 percent of the cases it is definitely a lipstick. And that is exactly the trend that we have always worn and will always wear:
I firmly believe in the power of a good lipstick. For me, it's mainly the creamy textures that you can apply - even without looking in the mirror.
In addition to all the trend signs such as matte lips, liquid lipsticks, and lip tints, the Creamy Lipsticks, in particular, have always held up well and have never really left the beauty world. Sure, there were times when we didn't really pay attention to them, but in the end, we always pull them out of the drawer. Especially those who rarely wear lipstick are not used to checking every two hours whether the product is half-smeared or whether it hangs completely on the chin. 
Creamy lipsticks don't last forever, but they wear off very evenly. So, after eating and drinking, we don't have to be afraid that the lipstick will look strange or smeared. And because the texture is so easy to use, we can also add it easily, according to Edward Bess even without a mirror.
A creamy lip look will never go out of style and I advise every woman to have a lipstick with them, no matter where they go.

We would still advise you to use a suitable lip liner. At least with the first application, so creamy textures hold better and the color is enhanced a little. By the way: Edward Bess even started his make-up journey in 2006 with a handpicked lipstick line - the Ultra Slick lipsticks. This success inspired him to develop further products.
