These 3 breathing techniques will relieve your stress - instantly!

These 3 breathing techniques will relieve your stress - instantly!

breathing techniques will relieve your stress instantly!

If you suffer from stress, you destroy your personal breathing flow. We'll tell you three breathing techniques that will help you relax again.
Most people do what's called chest breathing, which uses the muscles in the chest and shoulder area to move the breath. The problem is: this breathing is basically used to cope with distress and anxiety situations - and triggers stress.

1: When you are angry

When you are angry, you should start counting your breaths. Sit comfortably with your back straight and your head slightly forward. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and naturally into your belly - and count a total of five breaths. Repeat for about ten minutes.

2: When your thoughts go in circles

This breathing technique is a bit more sophisticated - it's called 4-7-8 breathing. Here's how it works: tuck the tip of your tongue behind your upper incisors on the roof of your mouth, then breathe in through your nose and count to four. Then hold your breath for a count of seven. Finally, exhale through the mouth and count to eight. It is correct when you hear a slight hissing sound when you exhale. Repeat the whole process three times. This is a breathing technique that is also excellent for falling asleep.

3: When you are nervous

If you are particularly tense and nervous, it is best to use the 4-8 breathing technique. It works like the technique described above, only without holding your breath. Inhale deeply while counting to four, then exhale slowly until you have counted to eight. Repeat this breathing exercise three times. In this way, nothing can stand in the way of relaxation.

